We recently published an article here showing that the “polemic” surrounding the Muslim prayer at Parc Safari was actually the work of individuals who embrace the murky Islamophobia that La Meute and other identity-based nationalist groups are currently advancing as cutting edge nationalism.

This ersatz controversy is ultimately based on a video shot on July 2 and posted online in the following days at the account of a YouTube user named “guindon87.” (The original video has since been taken down, but you can see it here.)** Those involved in the social media trench warfare between antifascists and islamophobes probably saw it for what it is. As was reported in the July 5 issue of Transcontinental news service’s regional newspaper,[1] a quick overview of the account immediately turns up dozens of videos that share a blatant racism, as well as a hatred of Muslims and antifascist militants.

In one particularly troubling video,** shot in Montreal on May 22, 2017 during the Marche des patriotes, guindon87 directly accosted antiracist militant Jaggi Singh on the street and can be heard saying “ostie de con” (fucking idiot),“ostie de sale” (fucking filth), and “paki qui pu” (stinking Paki). The video caption also reproduced these extraordinarily racist statements. As of August 1, 2017, this video remains online.

Screenshot from Louise Duval/guindon87’s Youtube account.

“But just who is guindon87?”

In July, research conducted by the philosophy professor Xavier Camus allowed him to publicly confirm that guindon87 is in fact a woman named Louise Duval, a close associate of La Meute and of the Front patriotique du Québec (FPQ), a minuscule collection of identity-based nationalists who since spring have organized a series of demonstrations, each one smaller than the last, but always with the racist pseudo-militias La Meute and the Soldiers of Odin providing security (April 23; May 28; July 1). This revelation led to a campaign to have Xavier Camus fired for his antifascist activities on social media and in alternative media, a campaign led by Duval herself, working with Marie-Élaine Boucher, a member of the FPQ’s board of directors.

The FPQ’s Marie-Élaine Boucher calls for pressure on Xavier Camus’s employers to have him fired.

Louise Duval and Marie-Élaine Boucher make plans to get Xavier Camus fired.

Because of the racism expressed in the May 22 video and the most recent incident, we began to pay a little more attention to guindon87 in particular.

After comparing notes and closely reviewing numerous videos—both videos shot by her and videos shot by other people—we can unquestionably confirm Louise Duval is guindon87.

“With her own gentle voice, Louise Duval/guindon87 has betrayed herself . . .”

Following the March 3 La Meute demonstration in Montreal, Duval posted two videos she had shot of the event online. In the first video,** at the thirty second mark, we hear her mellifluous voice murderously demanding that the police “butez-les, les tabarnak!; butez-moi-les, les rats!” (Stomp them, those little shits! Stomp those rats for me!”), talking about the antifascist militants who were throwing projectiles at La Meute’s security detail. Only a few minutes earlier there had been an altercation when a wannabe militiaman was given the civilizing mission of seizing hold of an antifascist militant, which led some comrades to repay the gesture in kind. These brief fisticuffs are documented beginning at 9m29s in this video posted online by Occidé Québec.

This latter video is particularly interesting, because we catch a glimpse of none other than Louise Duval, just seconds before the altercation. At 9m14s, wearing a beige parka with a fir-trimmed hood, a black hat, and fur-lined boots, we can hear her shouting “Nous sommes La Meute!!” (We are La Meute!!) in her angelic and easily identified voice.

Louise Duval/guindon87

Louise Duval/guindon87

Louise Duval/guindon87

It is beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is the same person whom we can clearly hear in both this March 3 video and in the May 22 video insulting Jaggi Singh. The voice is also strikingly similar to the voice we hear in the video shot on July 2 at Parc Safari, which, you will recall, was originally posted online by guindon87.

At 2m07s of Louise Duval’s second video, shot on March 3,** after asserting that the antifascists have the “IQ of an oyster” (haha), she proves that she herself is capable of the witty repartee of a racist amoeba; in response to the slogan “A-ANTI-ANTIFASCISTE!,” in her dulcet voice, she shouts “I-II-IMMIGRÉS!”[Another comical detail. This video opens with this little anecdote: “Quand je suisallée au poste 20 de la police pour savoir c’était où, il a dit “Ah, la manifestation de fascistes?” (When I went to police station 20, so I’d know where it was, he said “Oh, the fascist demonstration.”) LOL]

But, besides the recurrence of her enchanting voice, how can we be sure that guindon87 is Louise Duval? For that, we have Marie-Élaine Boucher, of the Front pathétique du Québec, to thank. Their innocent friendship on Facebook served us the proof on a silver platter.

Louise Duval/guindon87 (centre), with Marie-Élaine Boucher and Michel Malik Éthier, of the FPQ

The whackjob we see next to Marie-Élaine Boucher and Louise Duval in the photo is the discerning Michel Malik Éthier, a fanatical nationalist and member of the FPQ who is capable of grand histrionics; for example, Éthier is infamous for having thrown a fit and blown his nose with the antiracist leaflets distributed by activists from the NGO Alternatives at the FPQ’s April 23 demonstration.

Michel Malik Éthier, not racist, but . . .

Michel Malik Éthier, a shining example of Quebec nationalism.

Knowing that she was at this Marche des patriotes on May 22, it wasn’t a great shock to see Louise Duval in this video. Starting at 5m48s, she swoons before a visibly uncomfortable Bernard Landry.

Louise Duval/guindon87

Louise Duval/guindon87

“AntidjihadQc on Twitter”

A Google search for “Louise Duval+raciste” gets some results that tend to confirm her anti-Muslim and “anti-antifascist” positions, if nothing else.

The anonymous blog https://jesuispasracistemais.blogspot.com/ (with which we have absolutely no association) draws a direct line between Louise Duval and the AntidjihadQc and AntidjihadQube1 Twitter accounts; both accounts are openly racist and aggressively Islamophobic. Although it is impossible at this point to confirm that these accounts are administered by her, the screenshot of a tweet presented below includes language identical to that used by Louise Duval in her May 22 verbal attack on Jaggi Singh. It would be impossible to exaggerate the degree to which the language used in both cases is supremely offensive to people of South Asian origin, nor would it be possible to deny the abject racism of the individual using it. It appears that the AntidjihadQcCa account has been indefinitely suspended by Twitter, but the profile photo and the nature of the content would lead one to believe that the three accounts belong to one and the same person.

Screenshot from the @AntidjihadQcCa Twitter account.

Beyond that, we have solid evidence of Louise Duval’s open sympathies for groups like the Fédération des Québécois de souche and Atalante Québec. These two groups have no qualms about advertising their openly identity-based, anti-immigrant, and genuinely fascist programme[2]. In Quebec, populist nationalists (who more often that not vehemently deny all accusations of racism) are currently exhibiting an increasing unity with and ever-greater openness to groups that hold an explicitly racist ideology. In this case we have a perfect example: the regular presence of notorious racists the Soldiers of Odin acting as “security” at FPQ demonstrations.

Louise Duval/guindon87 “likes” the fascist Fédération des québécois de souche.

Louise Duval/guindon87 “likes” the fascist Atalante Québec.


“Help us to track down the racist Louise Duval!”

There is no room in our communities for someone like Louise Duval who believes she can publicly ooze racist and Islamophobic venom (while hiding behind pseudonyms on social media platforms like Twitter and YouTube); she certainly can’t be permitted to do so with impunity in an open and inclusive society. Someone like her must be identified and denounced by the community for what she is: a fucking racist. If you have information of any kind that would help us to find out where Louise Duval works and what she does with her free time, don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].


Update: The day after we put this article up, the three videos linked here were either deleted from guindon87’s account, or set to private. Unfortunately for Louise Duval, we had made backup copies of each video. Nice try, asshole…



